Unaudited Financial Results for the Quarter ended June 30, 2005
(Rupees In Lacs)
Sr. No. Particulars Quarter  Quarter Year 
      ended ended ended
      30.06.2005 30.06.2004 31.03.2005
          (Consolidated) (Consolidated) (Consolidated)
1 Net Sales/Income from Operations 946.18 862.85 3453.79
2 Other Income   0.00 0.00 88.21
3 Total Expenditure        
  a Staff Cost   359.45 321.07 1324.31
  b Data Digitisation Cost 278.43 252.54 1042.44
  c Other Expenditure 67.71 57.22 252.16
4 Interest   8.02 7.91 33.12
5 Profit before Depreciation & Tax 232.57 224.11 889.97
6 Depreciation   29.50 28.50 111.10
7 Profit (+)/Loss(-) before Tax (1+2-3-4-5-6) 203.07 195.61 778.87
8 Provision for Taxation   0.00 0.00 44.00
9 Net Profit (+)/Loss (-) before Tax (7-8) 203.07 195.61 734.87
10 Extraordinary items   0.00 0.00 0.00
11 Profit after Tax and Extraordinary items 203.07 195.61 734.87
12 Paid-up Equity Share Capital 1374.69 974.69 1374.69
  (Face Value - Rs. 10 each)      
13 Reserves Excluding Revaluation     1964.35
14 Earnings Per Share Basic & Diluted     5.35
15 Aggregate of Non-Promoter Shareholding      
  (A) Number of Shares   120,66,727 82,10,582 120,28,727
  (B) Percentage of Shareholding (%) 87.77% 84.24% 87.50%
Notes :  
  1 The above financial results were reviewed by the Audit Committee and taken on record 
  by the Board of Directors of the Company at their meeting held on 2 nd August , 2005
  subsequent to the limited review by the Statutory auditors required under clause 41 of
  the listing agreement.  
  2 The above results are consolidated of all segments and subsidiaries.  
  3 The Company has developed   secured biometric fingerprint authentication for  online
  access of individual accounts. This application can be used in Online banking, insurance,
  finance companies, depository paticipants for demat accounts, Sharebrokers for Online  
  share trading and can be applied wherever secured access and authentication is of 
  primary importance.  
  4 The above biometric solution is marketed by UK based company along with their secured 
  digital storage and digital content exchange.  
  5 The Company has developed a desktop and server based log on products using  biometric 
  fingerprint technology. This product is  called "Tutis". The company is selling this product 
  through various sensor manufacturers as an OEM product.  
  6 Previous period's /year's figures have been regrouped wherever necessary, in order to 
  make them comparable.  
  7 Information on investor complaints for the quarter - (Nos): Opening balance- 0, New - 04,
  Disposals - 04, Closing Balance - 0.  
  For Amex Information Technologies Limited
  Place :  Mumbai. Dilip C Parekh  
  Date   :  2nd August, 2005. Director