CMS Computers Ltd
  HCL Computers Ltd
  Wipro Computers Ltd
  Siemens Information Systems Ltd
  Explora Technologies Ahmedabad
  ECIL Hyderabad
  National Informatics Pune
  Oscar Engineering
  Virenchi Software

Biometrics Development Tool Software Solutions Embedded Systems Fingure Print Sensors


Fingerpoint Development Kit
  Web Authentication Kit
  SecuGen SDK ver 8.0
  SecuGen FDA02 DK
Downloads Product Catalogue
Biometric Product Catalogue
Software Evaluation
Product Manuals / User Guide
for details contact [email protected]




Biometric Product Catalogue
Download Resources
SecuGen Hamster III & SecuGen OptiMouse III
SecuGen FDA02 & FDU02 Fingerprint Sensors
Crossmatch Verifier 300 LC
Crossmatch Verifier 300 Classic
Crossmatch Verifier E
iGuard Time Attendance
Tutis Bio Clock ( Time Attendance System )
Tutis Bio Access (Time Attendance Access Control System )
Personal Fingerprint Safe
Fingerprint Door Locks
SecuDesktop 2000
Time Keeper
Tutis Authentication


Software Evaluation
Download Resources
Fingerpoint Tool Kit
SecuGen SDK
SecuGen FDA02 DK

Tutis Desktop Logon

Tutis Enterprise Software
FingerPoint Tool Kit
Time Keeper


Product Manuals / User Guide
Download Resources
SecuGen Peripherals User Guide
SecuGen Quick Installation
Guide- USB Devices
Tutis Manual

Tutis Bio clock user manual

Tutis Bio access
iGuard user manual
Fingerprint Door Locks manual


Download Resources
SecuGen device Drivers
Crossmatch Drivers


  Stamp Registration
  Description :- Fingerprint of user is captured and printed on Stamp Paper.
Size :- All over Maharashtra at 400 places.
Period :- Completed in One Month.
  BPO Biometrics IT Services                 Home Contact
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